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1D Barcode Decoding SDK - RTL

Product line: 
1D Barcode Decoding Library
1D barcode decoder
     NEW! 1DBarcode decoding library v.21.09 - ultimate solution for decoding barcodes with small Quiet Zone

2DTG offers RTLs (Run-Time-Licenses) of industrial grade 1D Barcode decoding software interfaced to Windows 32/64 (XP … 10), Linux 32/64, Android 4.x and higher and embedded platforms.

1D Barcode Decoding library / SDK Specifications and Benefits:

  • 1D Barcode Decoding library includes 3 groups of 1D barcodes as follows:
    • EAN 13 (w/Add-on), EAN 8, UPCA, UPCE (w/Add-on), Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, Interleaved 2 of 5, Codabar
    • GS1 Databar (former RSS) Family: Omnidirectional, Stacked Omnidirectional, Expanded, Expanded Stacked, Truncated, Limited, Composite (CC-A and CC-B versions)
    • PharmaCode, USPS PostNet, USPS IMB and New Zealand Postal Code
  • The decoding library allows to auto-discriminate 1D barcodes within the first two barcode groups above
  • 2DTG’s decoding library is GS1 compliant - it returns Symbology Identifier that can be used by GS1 users when building their applications. 
  • 1D decoding library provides for Quality Parameters assessment in accordance with ISO 15416 along with the results of 1D barcode decoding (except postal codes)
  • The software provides for omni directional barcode decoding and inverse color (“black-on-white” and “white-on-black” 1D Barcode decoding
  • Provides for full diagnostics of barcode environment beyond the ISO standard limitations such as small quiet zones, or checksum errors
  • Assures more reliable 1D barcode decoding due to confirmation across the additional scan lines
  • Provides for accurate decoding of 1D barcodes located on rounded surfaces
  • 1D barcode Decoding library have already been or may be ported per customer request to multiple Embedded platforms (TI, ARM, Power PC, MIPS, etc.) and IDE (GCC, Code Composer Studio (CCS), IAR Embedded Workbench, Tornado, Montavista, MULTI (Green Hills), VisualDSP++, Cross Core Embedded Studio, etc.)
  • Input parameter of the decoding software is a two-dimensional array of bytes which correspond to the gray scale brightness of pixels. (Our Demo Application includes the source code of "BMP convertor" into 2D array).

Price Models:

OEM Enterprise B2B
– high volume model
As low as $2.20 per license!
Contact 2DTG Sales office for detail
Enterprise B2B, internal corporate distribution
– low volume model
Available from On-line Store!
Contact 2DTG Sales office for quantity discounts
B2C distribution to individual consumers
As low as $0.40 per license!


1D Barcode Decoding - User's Guide - Windows,  Rev. 25.02 Licensing / Evaluation Guideline, Rev.06/18


Honeywell Handhelds compatible with 2DTG's DPM/DMPS DataMatrix Plugins

Xenon 1950/1952 Granit Scanners Vuquest3320g Voyager 1400g Voyager 1470g/1472g Voyager 1602g N56XX engine