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Android Data Matrix Security Decoder for Dolphin CT60 | CT50


2DTG offers Mobile Data Matrix Security Decoder (DMPS-D-A-CT60|50) fashioned for Dolphin CT60|50 powered by Android 4.x. and higher (unlike camera-based APP for regular smartphones this one works with integrated imager).

In substance, the Decoder is an extension of DMPS_D to mobile platforms. It has a proprietary built-in mechanism allowing to "read" enabled for Authentication Data Matrix and to decrypt it, if it was encrypted/enabled for authentication by DMPS_E (in addition to the regular Data Matrix decoding).

DMPS-D-A-CT60|50 includes Keyboard Wedge APP interfaced to DMPS Decoder, DMPS Reader APP to demonstrate software performance on mobile Android platforms and DMPS Decoder SDK – sample project and decoding libraries, for building your own application. It also has DPM/Dot Peen capabilities extending its use to industrial applications.

Android DMPS Decoder SDK Androide DMPS Decoder - User's Guide