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1D Barcode Decoding Library

     NEW! 1DBarcode decoding library v.21.09 - ultimate solution for decoding barcodes with small Quiet Zone

2DTG offers 1D Barcode decoding library / SDK fashioned as follows:

  • 1D Barcode decoding SDK interfaced to Windows 32/64 (XP, …, 10), Linux 32/64, Android 4.x and higher, embedded platforms - designed for industrial grade applications;
  • 1D Barcode Decoder / Reader - DEMO applications build in C# MS2017 and MSVS 2008 (includes source code).

 Supported barcodes are separated into 3 groups as follows:

  1. EAN 13 (w/Add-on), EAN 8, UPCA, UPCE (w/Add-on), Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, Interleaved 2 of 5, Codabar
  2. GS1 Databar (former RSS) Family: Omnidirectional, Stacked Omnidirectional, Expanded, Expanded Stacked, Truncated, Limited, Composite (CC-A and CC-B versions)
  3. PharmaCode, USPS PostNet, USPS IMB and New Zealand Postal Code 

Barcode Decoding software allows to auto-discriminate symbologies within the first 2 groups. Barcodes from the third group has to be selected manually in the software interface settings.

2DTG’s decoding library is GS1 compliant - it returns Symbology Identifier (and separators) that can be used by GS1 users when building their applications.

Price Models:

OEM Enterprise B2B
– high volume model
As low as $2.20 per license!
Contact 2DTG Sales office for detail
Enterprise B2B, internal corporate distribution
– low volume model
Available from On-line Store!
Contact 2DTG Sales office for quantity discounts
B2C distribution to individual consumers
As low as $0.40 per license!

Network Licensing and Terminal Services

Terminal Services are not supported by our regular, "single instance licensed library". Running library over the network requires network license, which is not bound to any particular workstation on the network, but rather to the network itself. 2DTG offers network licenses for Dongles providing the ability to host multiple, simultaneous client sessions. Activating / deploying the DLL on one instance (either workstation or server - “seat”) will enable all seats (up to the total number of purchased network licenses) to have access.

For Network license on Dongle,

  • select network option you need at the time of order, or
  • purchase network upgrade (if you have already acquired dongle license from us before).

Order products

Add to cart form Sell price
1D Barcode Decoding SDK - RTL $219.95
1D Barcode Decoding SDK - Dongle $349.95
1D Barcode SDK - Dongle Network Upgrade $75.00

1D Barcode decoding library benefits:

Feature                                                          Description
Barcode Type optional “Barcode Type” selection to speed up its recognition (allows to auto-discriminate symbologies within the first 2 groups) ) during the 1D barcode decoding process
Barcode Color symbol color setting for reading inverse color images (printed in fluorescent ink, for instance)
Multiple 1D barcode decoding up to 100 barcodes decoding within one image via variable setting
Quality Parameters Quality Parameters assessment in accordance with ISO 15416 while 1D barcode decoding
"SmartZone" Enhancement advanced diagnostics and more robust 1D barcode decoding of symbols, having Quiet Zone violations (beyond the ISO standard)
Checksum I25 optional checksum verification for ”Interleaved 2 of 5” barcode during the decoding process
Checksum C39 optional checksum verification for “Code 39” barcode during the decoding process
Time-out setting for optional decode time limit prior the barcode decoding
ScanDir & ScanStep setting scan direction and distance between the scanlines prior the barcode decoding
PharmacodeDir setting scan direction for Pharmacode prior the barcode decoding
IMB_EC setting maximum number of errors to be corrected in USPS IMB barcode
  • Delivery package includes compiled object code, source code of 1D Barcode Decoder Demo-program and User manual.
  • OEM Development License - any OEM order comes with one free Development License of 1D Barcode decoding SDK
  • Trial SDK is fully functional but limited to 30 days (Windows OS). Trial version for Linux 1D Barcode decoding SDK is not time limited, but some output characters are replaced with asterisks.
  • Software Maintenance—includes free support and download access to the latest versions of the product for the 12 months since the day of purchase.

"Real" Sample images (with noisy background, border destruction, blurred, etc.) can be used to compare our decoding libraries with the similar programs of our competitors. Such analysis can also be performed utilizing our On-line Decoder.

1D Barcode Decoding - User's Guide - Windows,  Rev. 25.02 Licensing / Evaluation Guideline, Rev.06/18